Use of Force - Subject Information
What's the deal with the Use of force subject segment?
So, you answered "Yes" to one (or more) of the Use of Force Qualification Questions on the Incident segment - and now you need to record subject information.
The "Subject Segment" supplies the demographic information and characteristics of the subject (or subjects) involved in the Use of Force Incident. This information includes demographic items such as:
Subject Gender
Subject Age
Subject Height
Subject Weight
The "Subject Segment" also includes characteristics such as:
Subject Impairment(s)
Subject Resistance Type(s)
Subject Force Type(s)
Subject Injury Type(s)
*Reminder - If you are a Pennsylvania agency, your department must collect Use of Force information, per Act 180 (Starting January 1st, 2023).
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In-Synch RMS includes intelligent data entry screens and validation for the Use of Force data elements, ensuring your personnel enters data correctly. Check out the excerpt from our training video to see it in action.
Download the resources from the video.
Subject Data Elements
Now that we've discussed the basics, let’s take a look at some of the Subject data elements collected in Pennsylvania Use of Force Reporting in more detail:
Subject Race?
Used to indicate the race and ethnicity of the subject
At least one Race/Ethnicity ID must be provided
Valid Races
PA Removed Values
Subject Gender?
Used to indicate the gender of the subject.
Gender is mandatory, and only one value can be provided for a subject
Valid Genders
PA Removed Values
Subject Age?
Used to indicate the age of the subject
Age is mandatory, and only one value can be provided for a subject
Valid Data Values
Subject Height?
Used to indicate the height of a subject.
Subject height is collected in two parts; feet and inches
Only one value can be provided for a subject
Must be an integer between 0 and 10
Only one value can be provided for a subject
Must be an integer between 0 and 11
Subject Weight?
Used to indicate the weight of a subject in pounds.
Only one value can be provided for a subject
Must be an integer
Subject Impairment?
Used to indicate the impairment type of the subject at the time of the incident.
Only one value can be provided for a subject
Valid Data Values
PA Removed Values
Subject Impairment Types?
Used to indicate the total number of other responding agencies whose officer(s) used force during the incident
If "Subject Impairment" is "Yes," then at least one value must be provided for "Subject Impairment Type."
Valid Impairment Types
PA Removed Values
Subject Resisted?
Used to indicate if the subject resisted during the incident.
One value must be provided for the subject
Valid Data Values
PA Removed Values
Subject Resistance Types?
Used to indicate the resistance used by the subject during the incident.
If "Subject Resisted" is "Yes," then at least one value must be submitted for "Subject Resistance Type."
Valid Resistance Types
PA Removed Values
Subject Threat Directed At?
Used to indicate who the threat by the subject(s) was perceived by the officer(s) to be directed to, the officer, or to another party.
One value must be provided for the subject
Valid Threat Values
PA Removed Values
Subject Armed?
Used to indicate if the law enforcement official felt the subject was armed during the incident with a weapon (other than hands, fists, and feet).
Only one value can be provided for a subject
Valid Data Values
PA Removed Values
Subject Force Types?
Used to indicate the type of force the officer(s) used on the subject during the incident.
“FIREARM” must be specified in this data element for at least one subject if “DISCHARGE” is provided for Use of Force Qualification Question 3. (In this incident, did an officer in your department discharge their firearm at or in the direction of a person, that otherwise did not result in death or serious bodily injury?)
Valid Force Types
PA Removed Values
Subject Injury Types?
Used to indicate the type of injuries sustained by the subject.
Multiple values can be provided within the data element
If “DEATH” is provided, no other values can be provided for the subject
If “NONE” is provided, no other values can be provided for the subject
Valid Injury Types
PA Removed Values