July 2022 Tips - Saving a Query
Saving a Query
In-Synch RMS offers the ability to "Save" commonly used queries through the Query module. Users can choose from three visibility levels: private, group, or public.
1. Open the Query module and build a query.
2. Select the "Save" button on the Query management window.
3. Enter a Name for the Query.
4. Select the visibility level for the saved Query.
Private - Only the person who saves the Query can see it.
Group - Only users within the same security group as the Query creator can see the Query.
Public - Any user with access to Query can see the saved Query.
5. Select the "Save" button to save the Query.
For more information on the Query Module or other Modules in the In-Synch Systems Software, please visit https://www.in-synchrms.com/help.
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