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January 2024 Tips - Adjusting JCP, EMS, and CAT (SURCHARGE) Amounts

a female police officer issuing a citation

Sometimes, a fine isn't just a fine. Most of the money paid by ticketed motorists isn't for the fine itself but for various surcharges that help fund state government.

Traffic Citation funds/fees can include:

  • A surcharge for the EMS operating fund.

  • A fee for the state's judicial computer system.

  • A charge to help provide legal services for indigent litigants. 

In-Synch RMS makes updating these amounts easy.

The "Citations/Crash" tab of the Agency module houses your department's editable JCP, EMS, and CAT (SURCHARGE) values.

The "Citations/Crash" tab of In-Synch RMS

Note: In an upcoming release, the "Citations/Crash" tab includes separate .dll fields and JCP amounts for Traffic and Non-Traffic citations.

Teh future "Citations/Crash" tab of In-Synch RMS

For more information on the Agency Module or other Modules in the In-Synch Systems Software, please visit

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