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December 2023 Tips - Fines & Costs

a police officer writing a ticket

Law enforcement agencies often utilize fines and costs to maintain public order, deter unlawful behavior, and fund various aspects of the criminal justice system. These penalties vary widely based on the nature and severity of the offense committed. Minor infractions may incur smaller fines, while more serious crimes may have substantial financial consequences. The imposition of fines serves a dual purpose: punishing offenders and deterring potential lawbreakers.

Whether your agency is issuing a criminal citation for misdemeanor drug possession, enforcing an open container liquor law ordinance, writing a parking ticket, or distributing a traffic-related citation, keeping up to date with the changing fines and costs is essential.


The Code Management module of In-Synch RMS makes organizing these changes manageable. Agencies can set "fine" amounts for local, county, and state-level violations.

A screenshot of the In-Synch RMS Code Management module, outlining the Fine amount field.

Administrators can also set automatic cost adjustments for violations with escalating fees based on predetermined schedules.

A screenshot of the In-Synch RMS Code Management Late Fee Costs window.

For more information on the Code Management Module or other Modules in the In-Synch Systems Software, please visit

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